14th Annual Petrology and Geochemistry Assembly

Telkibánya, 19-21 September 2024

Dear Colleagues,

the 14th annual Petrology and Geochemistry Assembly will be held in Telkibánya, which is famous for the gold mineralization in the volcanic Tokaj Mountains. The excursion, led by János Szepesi will focus on the diverse volcanic formations of the area.

Following the tradition of the past assemblies, the assembly aims to provide opportunities to the students and early career researchers to present their topics and to build scientific collaborations. In addition to the traditional topics in the field of magmatic and metamorphic petrology and geochemistry, we would like to highlight the application of other fields in geochemistry, e.g., environmental, sedimentary and paleontology.

The lectures and the poster session will be held on Thursday and Saturday (see the Program), while the field excursion will take place on Friday.

Date of the conference: 19-21 September 2024

The location of the conference, together with the accommodation and the meals will be held at:

The invited plenary lecture will be held by László Kocsis (University of Lousanne, Switzerland), who will talk about ‘Applying geochemistry in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental studies’.

Best oral and poster presentations of the students will be awarded, active membership at the Hungarian Geological Society is required to participate in the contest.

Following the traditions, wine tasting will be organized on Friday evening, where we will be introduced to the wines of Illés Borház from Erdőbénye. In addition to this, we will have the chance to taste pálinka produced by the family of Zsuzsa Molnár, a fellow geologist from the region.

HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, Geochronology Lab
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology
contact: 14kgvgy@gmail.com